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The People That History Forgot
Extended Second Edition
Ernest L. Martin, Ph.D.
Portland: ASK Publications,
© Ernest L. Martin, Ph.D., 1993
Edited by David Sielaff, 2003
The Associates for Scriptural Knowledge
P.O. Box 25000
Portland, Oregon 97225 USAISBN 0-945657-82-X (Extended Second Edition)
From the cowardice that shrinks from new truth,
From the laziness that is content with half-truths,
From the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth,
Oh God of Truth, deliver us.~ Ancient Prayer
All quotes in this Research Study are from the King James Version,
except where indicated and adapted.
Backcover Information
Dr. Martin has taught history for 12 years at a college in England, been the Chairman of the Department of Theology at another in California, has supervised over 450 college students at the most significant archaeological excavation ever conducted in Jerusalem for two months each year for a period of five years (and his archeological educational program was featured in the Education section of Time magazine for September 1973).
He has written over a dozen major research books advertised internationally in archeological and biblical periodicals, and over 600 planetariums around the world show his astronomical and historical material at their December showings. He has written several hundred articles on biblical and historical matters and is also listed in the current editions of Who’s Who in Religion and Education, and Who’s Who in Biblical Studies and Archaeology.
Part One
- Foreword
- Chapter One - The People that History Forgot
- Chapter Two - Were Fourth to Sixth Century Jews Idolaters?
- Chapter Three - The Idolaters Were Not Mainline Jews
- Chapter Four - Who Built the Idolatrous Synagogues?
- Chapter Five - The New Testament Provides the Key
- Chapter Six - Samaritans In All Parts of the Empire
- Chapter Seven - Samaritan Synagogues in Galilee
- Chapter Eight - Many Samaritans Became Christians
- Chapter Nine - Neighboring Nations of the Jews in Palestine
- Chapter Ten - The Solidification of Rabbinic Judaism
Part Two
- Chapter Eleven - The Race Change in Western Europe
- Chapter Twelve - The Effect of the Race Change
- Chapter Thirteen - From Babylon to Syria
- Chapter Fourteen - Syria Becomes the New Babylon
- Chapter Fifteen - The Seleucid Capital Moved West to Antioch
- Chapter Sixteen - Easterners Transform the Roman West
- Chapter Seventeen - Eastern Philosophy Conquers Rome
- Chapter Eighteen - The Jewish Holdout Against Idolatry
- Chapter Nineteen - Islam and the People that History Forgot
The first part of this book will show some modern archaeological discoveries that have caused amazement among scholars who study the history of early Judaism and Christianity. Indeed, the word "shock" would better describe the reaction of many historians, particularly those who are Jewish scholars. What has caused this "shock"? The historical research in this book will explain the reason. It will show what those surprising archaeological remains are and how their modern discovery actually reveals the existence of a people (presently unrecognized by scholars) who have mysteriously disappeared from the records of history about fourteen hundred years ago. In this book those people are re-discovered.
The second part of the book reveals other archaeological finds that impinge upon the interpretation of the discoveries mentioned in my first paragraph. They also affect the understanding of the early history of the Roman Empire, and consequently that of Judaism and early Christianity. This second group of discoveries involves the research of scholars in the first part of the 20th century who analyzed the remains of over 13,900 Latin inscriptions found primarily in Italy. The result of that survey profoundly altered the past understanding of the racial history of the period from before the time of Jesus to that of Constantine in the 4th century. But strangely, most historians today are not discussing the significance of this survey regarding those inscriptions (or they give no heed to the evidence) and consequently the general public knows little or nothing about the importance of these discoveries. But these archaeological remains are as significant in understanding early Judaism and Christianity, or more so, than even the Dead Sea Scrolls.
What this book does is to assemble together for the first time these important discoveries into a coherent narrative that will make sense to any interested reader. In a word, this book is designed to bring these amazing discoveries to the attention of the general public. For that reason I have not written in an academic style, but in a manner that the intelligent person from any walk of life can grasp. But the research is not exclusively for the general public. It is also designed to satisfy both professional historians and theologians in their quest to understand important historical events of the past. I believe the material in this book is essential for people to know if one hopes to realize some prime factors in the history of religion that have influenced the development of western civilization. The subject of this book is of utmost importance and these archaeological discoveries need to be made known to the public at large. This information can give scholars and all people a better comprehension of the history of early Judaism and Christianity, and a better understanding of the Roman Empire. Its central theme involves the rediscovery of The People That History Forgot.
"The path of the just is as the shining light,
(Proverbs 4:18)
that shines more and more unto the perfect day."This little book is dedicated to "Truth Seekers" everywhere.
Other books by Dr. Ernest L. Martin
Restoring the Original Bible
Secrets of Golgotha
The Star that Astonished the World
101 Bible Secrets Christians Do Not Know
ABC’s of the Gospel
The Tithing Dilemma
The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot
Prophetic Books of the Old Testament (forthcoming)A.S.K. has FREE each month a newsletter called the ASK Communicator that keeps the general public knowledgeable of prophetic and doctrinal teachings that are up-to-date with contemporary information that people will find interesting and worthwhile in their biblical studies. It is available on our website:
www.askelm.com.The front cover illustration depicts the mysterious people who introduced the worship of the pagan gods into Christianity by the use of sidereal knowledge. The right hand of the leader gives the Sarapis (Zeus) blessing and in the left hand is their introduction of Sarapis to Christianity, which became the long-haired "Jesus." So, paganism supplanted Christianity.
The back cover shows the Sarapis blessing with the image of Sarapis displayed in the palm of the right hand. The artifacts are building tools showing the desire to create a new society. Some animals are "changeable" ones depicting the change to the new society: the snake changes his skin, the chameleon changes its color, and the tadpole changes into the frog. The tortoise was an emblem of Mercury and Venus, and the Ibis (stork) was universally sacred to Isis and indicates birth — the "new birth" of being like Sarapis. The scales show that all judgment belongs to Sarapis the Judge of the dead. Sculpture shown in G.J.F. Kater-Sibbes, Preliminary Catalogue of Sarapis Monuments (Leiden: Brill, 1973), #1018, plate 32.
Note to the Reader: This book is identical with the print version except that the Bibliography has been updated and expanded to reflect most all of the works cited in the text. As a result, some page numbers from more recent editions of works in the bibliography may be different from cited in the text. David Sielaff, Editor
Attridge, Harold W. and Hata, Gohei. Eusebius, Christianity, and Judaism (Detroit: Wayne University) 1992.
Avi-Yonah, M. The Jews Under Roman and Byzantine Rule (Jerusalem: Hebrew University Press) 1984.
Baron, Salo W. A Social and Religious History of the Jews, 18 vols. (New York: Columbia University Press) 1952.
Bevan, Edwyn Robert. House of Seleucus (New York: Barnes & Noble) [1902]1966.
Charlesworth, James H. (ed.). Jews and Christians (New York: Crossroad) 1990.
Chiat, Marilyn Joyce Segal. Handbook of Synagogue Architecture (Chico: Scholars Press) 1982.
Cohen, J. The Samaritan Chronicle (Leiden: Brill) 1986.
Crown, Alan. The Samaritans (Tubingen: J.C.B.Mohr) 1989.
Cumont, Franz V.M. The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism (Chicago, The Open Court Publ. Co.) 1911.
Cumont, Franz V.M. Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans
(New York, Dover Publications) 1960.Duff, Arnold Mackay. Freedmen in the Early Roman Empire (Oxford: The Clarendon Press) 1928.
Flusser, David. Judaism and the Origins of Christianity (Jerusalem: Magnus) 1988.
Frank, Tenny, ed. An Economic History of Rome, 6 vols. (New York: Octagon Books) 1975, c1933-1940.
Frank, Tenny. "Race Mixture in the Roman Empire," American Historical Review 21(1916): 689–708.
Frend, W.H.C. The Rise of Christianity (Philadelphia: Fortress) 1985.
Frerichs, Ernest S. Goodenough (Atlanta: Scholars Press) 1986.
Edwin Gibbon. The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire, 3d ed. (New York: Random House) c1977.
Goodenough, Erwin R. Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period, 6 vols. (New York: Princeton) 1953–56.
Guillaume, Alfred. Islam (London: Cassell) [1956]1963.
Gutmann, Joseph. Ancient Synagogues (Chico: Scholars Press) 1981.
Hengel, Martin. Judaism and Hellenism, 2 vols. (Philadelphia: Fortress) 1981.
Jaspers, Karl. The Origin and Goal of History (New Haven: Yale University Press) 1953.
Kraft, Robert A. and Nickelsburg, George, eds. Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters (Atlanta: Scholars Press) 1986.
La Piana, George. "Foreign Groups in Rome During the First Centuries of the Empire," The Harvard Theological Review, vol. XX, pp. 188–189.
Levine, Lee I. Ancient Synagogues Revealed (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society) 1982.
Lightfoot, Joseph Barber. Philippians (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books) [1913]1994.
Mazar, Benjamin. The Mountain of the Lord (New York: Doubleday) 1975.
Merivale, Charles. History of the Romans under the Empire. New ed. (London and New York, Longmans, Green, and Co.) 1890.
Naveh, Joseph. Early History of the Alphabet: An Introduction to West Semitic Epigraphy and Palaeography (Jerusalem: Magnus Press/Leiden: E. J. Brill) 1982.
Neusner, Jacob (ed. of abridgement). Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period (Princeton: University Press) 1992.
Neusner, Jacob, ed. The Christian and Judaic Invention of History (Atlanta: Scholars Press) 1990.
Neusner, Jacob. Judaism and Christianity in the Age of Constantine (Chicago: University Press) 1987.
Perowne, Stewart. Caesars and Saints (New York: W.W. Norton) 1962.
Prideaux, Humphrey. The Old and New Testament Connected, 2d American ed., from 20th London ed. (New York: Harper & Brothers) 1836.
Pritchard, James Bennett. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament. Translators and annotators: W.F. Albright [and others] 2d ed., corr. and enl. (Princeton, Princeton University Press) 1955.
Rokeah, David. Jews, Pagans and Christians in Conflict (Leiden: Brill) 1982.
Safrai, S. & Stern, M. The Jewish People in the First Century: Historical Geography, Political History, Social, Cultural and Religious Life and Institutions, 2 vols. (Philadelphia: Fortress) 1974, 1976.
Sanders, E.P. Jewish Law from Jesus to the Mishnah (London: SCM) 1990.
Schaff, Philip. History of the Christian Church, 3rd ed., 8 vols. (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers) [1882]1996.
Schurer, E. History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ, edited by Vermes, Millar, Black, New English Version, 3 vols. (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark) 1979.
Shanks, Herchel, Jerusalem in Stone (Oxford: University Press) 1986.
Simon, Marcel. Verus Israel (Oxford: University Press) 1986.
Tarn, William W. Hellenistic Civilisation. 3rd ed. (London, Methuen) 1966.
Tsafrir, Yoram. Ancient Churches Revealed (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society) 1993.
Williams, Henry Smith. The Historians’ History of the World (London, The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.) 1926.
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